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Ayashi No Ceres Scan Italy Flag

Well, i'm back from Ireland, it was amazing. I'll write more about it as soon as i feel better.I also went to Orlando.

It was fun and much less tiring than every other time i had gone in the past.But i'm feeling miserable right now.Yesterday, while i was still in Orlando, my cat Coco died suddenly due to a head injury. Nobody knows what happened, but there are 3 theories.1- A car ran him over2- Some bastard kicked him on the head3- He fell and landed on his head (quite unlikely)It kills me that i was so far away when he died. I could do nothing to help him. When i came back to Mexico he was already dead.

He spent a whole day in a coma, and fought like a champ to get better according to the doctors, but in the end, his injury was too much for his little body.My poor baby.He had a very difficult beginning, since he was abandoned as a kitten and spent around 2 years living on the streets. But i adopted him (against my family's wishes BTW) and i sincerely believe that he lived his remaining 5 years happy and with much love from everyone here.I can't trust people, but i completely trusted my cat. He relieved my loneliness, healed my heart, and made me feel that at least i was being useful to someone. That someone needed me, 'cuz little Coco actually needed me and loved me in the simple, pure way only an animal can.He was like my son. And he was my familiar spirit.

(as in a witch's familiar). I've had several pets throughout my life. But you just feel it when one of your companion animals has a deeper bond with you than the others did. Coco was very special to me. And i truly felt that i was special to him too.I miss him so much.Farewell little one.My Sweetie showing his cute little spots and pretty blue eyes. WeirdnessThe other day, i had a dream. In this dream i was pregnant.


Not too weird right? Well, after a little while, it was time to give birth to my baby but. I had PUPPIES!!!! O0;;; There was a black, a grey, a harlequin (black & white), and a brown one.I don't remember at all the moment when i MADE the puppies (thank goodness ) or who was the lucky father XD!And the funny thing was, that when i woke up, i was sad that i had no puppies in real life;;Pfft! Good thing i go to therapy, hehe.Holy sh.! This confirms one of my fears.

Does this mean i'm a BITCH? 0.0 XDDDIn other news, i'm learning horseback riding! I'm glad cuz in a while i'm gonna be able to ride my horse Syaoran. I found a trainer for him who uses really gentle methods to teach him to accept a rider, and a teacher for me that's showing me how to relay commands with legs and voice, instead of having to hurt my horse pulling at his mouth with the ermm. Strap thingies (whats the name of those things attached to the horse's head?).I'm learning to use those things too, but i'm being taught not to rely too much on them to ride Syaoran. ^^What else.

Oh, i also started bellydance classes. My sister blackmailed me into attending the class with her.


It appears I'm not a lost cause at this type of dance. It's too early to tell though, we'll see what i think in a year (if i last that long). I attended ballet classes for 8 yrs. And in the end it turned out i wasn't very good at it. The final bit of news, is that this Friday i'm going to Ireland for 2 weeks with one of my best friends! I've ALWAYS been obsessed with that country for some reason. Their music, mythology, accent, celtic culture, etc.

Ayashi No Ceres Scan Italy Flag Meaning

I ADORE them.I'm gonna try to go to the restaurant owned by Clannad, or maybe see the group Altan. I hope i can see a celtic music presentation live.I'm SO EXCITED, and SO FRIGGIN SCARED!!!! DXStupid social phobia -I haven't read much manga lately, since the release schedule of my fave series is pretty irregular, the internet service here in Mexico makes you want to shoot yourself in frustration due to the slowness (resulting in me avoiding the net like the plague), aaaand i've been busy as hell, so i don't have much to talk about in that department.Instead, i've been reading my 'Harpers Trilogy' (Elfshadow, Elfsong, and Silver Shadows) by Elaine Cunningham. I adore moon elves and quirky bards, so these books are some of my favourites, and have also been reading the 'Mage Wars trilogy' (The Black Gryphon, The White Gryphon, and The Silver Gryphon) by Mercedes Lackey. These books feature one of my favourite characters of all times, Amberdrake, who is a healer and empath (i would DIE if i found a boyfriend like him. Or like Drizzt Do'Urden- the dark elf- they're too good to be true). They also feature TONS and TONS of Gryphons and other intelligent magical beasties.I love my books:).

The other day i read a book. This book did something weird to me.For some strange reason (pretty obvious actually, but still unexpected), it invoked in me a sort of pain and anger that i barely managed to suppress, the intensity of my feelings almost too much to bear.I felt in shock, and frankly also kinda scared.The book explained a lot of apparently normal events from my past in such a different way, that many things that up until now had always confused me, that had never felt quite 'right' suddenly (VERY suddenly).

I could see them in an extremely clear fashion. It was as if a bandage was lifted from my eyes and without warning my world was exposed in raw detail.And hell, it was not pretty.It was sad, and pathetic, and maddening, and disturbing, and just a little bit. Hopeful.I really wanted to understand these things, but it was an emotional overload, and now i'm exhausted.

I'm kinda in zombie mode right now. Not depressed, not happy, not anything.I can't snap out of it.It's strange, since i've read very similar books in the past, and none of them had such an effect in my inner universe.This was a very good book, but so were the others.What gives? Ok, it was a nice week.It was my birthday on april 28. I went to a restaurant to eat french food, and then made my family watch a miyazaki movie with me :D (i don't like parties, and anyways, it was a monday so yeah.)But one of the big highlights of the week was that my brother, for the first time ever cooked something for me. It made me really happy, since he'd never done something like that for anyone before (that's what he said at least, but maybe he did and doesn't remember XD). I felt speshul.I received the blueprints for my new house today.

That was great. It's gonna be an interesting house, since i'm such an anime/fantasy freak.

I have many anime toys and figurines, and a lot of unicorns, dragons, faeries, and cats that i'll be placing all over the place.I also did an incredibly stupid thing today, and together with the annoying cold i caught yesterday, i'm feeling kinda miserable. I accidentally destroyed the last proof i had that I indeed studied animation as a career.I.uh.killed my only copy of the thing and there isn't any way to recover the animation i created all by myself.DOH!!!! I just came back fom Japan. It was a great trip although i wanted to strangle the guide sometimes. I hate to be rushed. Fortunately, my previous trip was much less hurried so i didn't get as frustrated as i could have in some of the 5 min visits we made to some VERY IMPORTANT otaku places like Tokyo Tower, which i consider extremely important but the guide apparently didn't.

I just finished reading the 14 volume manga series 'Tramps Like Us', it's original title being actually 'Kimi wa Petto' or I am your Pet'.It's about a 27 yrs old woman who one night, after being cheated on and then dumped by her fiancee because she was taller, had better education and a better job than him, finds a big ass box dumped in front of her apartment complex. Inside it, she discovers a beat up young guy (he's like 20 yrs old) passed out, that she takes pity on, so she lets him inside her apartment for the night. She cures him, and gives him dinner and then tells him to leave the next morning.But when she comes back from work the next day, the guy is still there. I'm not gonna LJcut this post, since hardly anyone ever reads my journal anyways, heh.Manga / Anime part:I've been reading a lot of manga.I fell in love with 'The Embalmer' by Mitsukazu Mihara, because it was very touching without getting sappy.

It talks about the life and death of different people, but it's actually more centered on the feelings (and sometimes the lives) of those that are left behind.The main character is a late 20s or early 30 yrs old embalmer, who wishes to give his clients the opportunity to say one last goodbye to their deceased. The thing is, embalming is a very unpopular and misunderstood profession in Japan.

It's frowned upon, so the guy encounters a lot of prejudice throughout the series. (They usually cremate their dead, so many asians have little knowledge of embalming).The manga is episodic in format. There are 4vols. Released in english and it's 5 vols. Long in japanese.Very enjoyable.I also keep reading Loveless, which i worship in an almost disturbing fashion.

I wonder what that series has that makes me so terribly obsessed with it. And my love for it shows no signs of weakening at all. In fact, it's the other way around.The way both Ritsuka and Soubi have been slowly growing emotionally is delightful to see, even if they suffer so much in the process and make plenty of mistakes. I can't believe i've grown to care so much for the well-being of 2 blotches of ink.It's truly baffling.I'm still following Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles (SOOOO DAMN GOOD!!!) xxxHolic (Please!

Get ON with it, CLAMP. I can't take it anymore), Inuyasha (Finally reaching its last chapters, oh don't you dare die Miroku;;) Naruto (GO Sasuke!!! I'm rooting for you winning your current fight with Itachi without falling completely to the dark side, and i mean keeping your sanity AND your eyes XD), and some other series that i won't mention due to a sudden bout of extreme lazyness.I'm watching D.Gray Man. (the anime) Komui Lee is LOOOVE (although i often really want to smack him! Hes such a prick sometimes) and the adorable Allen kills me with sweetness. He awakens and amplifies my mothering instincts in a way only Ritsuka and -to some degree- Soubi from Loveless surpass. I kinda hate General Cross Maria for now.

I wonder if my opinion of him will change as i watch the rest of it.I'm impatiently waiting for the release of the first half of the Blood+ anime on DVD. I really liked it.

Drama, action, fluff, vampires, a cool heroine, with an even cooler servant (i can't have enough of Hagi), and very interesting secondary characters and antagonists. This series has it all to make me a sickeningly happy otaku.I'm also gonna buy SpeedGrapher. Sometimes it was quite disturbing, but the dynamics of our society that the story depicts are often worse in real life. Utimately, it's very very good.

I really felt for the baddie in this one.:( He was so damn tragic!Non manga/ anime part:Hnnnn.I had such a busy weekend, i'm tired as hell.A lot of people would find what i did really fun, but for me it was just exhausting. I had a mini movie marathon on friday, a very elegant dinner party on saturday, another party (a birthday) this sunday morning and a Oscar party (where i ended up in last place due to only having seen Ratatouille and a disgusting lack of intuition.:D.


It was today, a year ago. I miss you so much.I can't say i was completely unprepared for your death when it happened, since the doctors told us about 2 days before you left, that nothing could be done to save you.

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But even if i had some time to say goodbye, it still hurt so much.When it finally happened, for some reason i couldn't feel anything.